start a legacy

With purpose we set out to design a comfortable functional duffle bag, to source quality leather and to have it manufactured by a passionate local fabrication team.

The Zandsak

The Zandsak

The Reunion duffle / The Zandsak Duffle / The Postman
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Alma mater

Alma mater

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Rooted with deep sense of heritage and the importance of legacy we set out to create pieces that can be personalised and passed on from one generation to the next.

An idea that started 10 years ago with a utilitarian functional sandbag, developed into a focused passion to provide functional crafted bags to be used for any occasion.Two friends in engineering sitting around a campfire in the African bush, solving all South Africa’s problems one of which is the need for everyone to have a leather bag.

With purpose we set out to design a comfortable functional duffle bag, to source quality leather and to have it manufactured by a passionate local fabrication team.

Behold the birth of ZANDSAK.